Nix, A., Shrinivasan, S., Walker, E.Y., Sinz, F.H. Can Functional Transfer Methods Capture Simple Inductive Biases?
AISTATS (2022).
Bashiri, M.*, Walker, E.Y.*, Lurz, K.K., Jagadish, A.K., Muhammad, T., Zhiwei Ding., Zhuokun Ding, Tolias, A.S., Sinz, F.H. A flow-based latent state generative model of neural population responses to natural images.
NeurIPS [spotlight] (2021).
Lurz, K., Bashiri, M., Willeke, K.F., Jagadish, A.K., Wang, E., Walker, E.Y., Cadena, S., Muhammad, T., Cobos, E., Tolias, A.S., Ecker, A., Sinz, F.H. Generalization in data-driven models of primary visual cortex.
ICLR [spotlight] (2021).
Ustyuzhaninov, I., Cadena, S.A., Froudarakis, E., Fahey, P.G., Walker, E.Y., Cobos, E., Reimer, J., Sinz, F.H., Tolias, A.S., Bethge, M. & Ecker, A.S.
Rotation-invariant clustering of functional cell types in primary visual cortex. ICLR (2020).
Walker, E.Y.*, Cotton, R.J.*, Ma, W.J. & Tolias, A.S. A neural basis of probabilistic computation in visual cortex.
Nature Neuroscience (2020).
Walker, E.Y.*, Sinz, F.H.*, Cobos, E., Muhammad, T., Froudarakis, E., Fahey, P.G., Ecker, A.S., Reimer, J., Pitkow, X. & Tolias, A.S. Inception in visual cortex: in vivo-silico loops reveal most exciting images.
Nature Neuroscience (2019).
Cadena, S.A., Sinz, F.H., Muhammad, T., Froudarakis, E., Cobos, E., Walker, E.Y., Reimer, J., Bethge, M., Tolias, A.S. & Ecker, A.S. How well do deep neural networks trained on object recognition characterize the mouse visual system?
NeurIPS workshop on Real Neurons & Hidden Units (2019).
Li, Z., Brendel, W., Walker, E.Y., Cobos, E., Muhammad, T., Reimer J., Bethge, M., Sinz, F.H., Pitkow, X. & Tolias, A.S. Learning from brains how to regularize machines.
NeurIPS (2019).
Günthner, M.F., Cadena, S.A., Denfield, G.H., Walker, E.Y., Gatys, L.A., Tolias, A.S., Bethge, M. & Ecker, A.S. Learning Divisive Normalization in Primary Visual Cortex.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (2019).
Ecker, A.S., Sinz, F.H., Froudarakis, E., Fahey, P.G., Cadena, S.A., Walker, E.Y., Cobos, E., Reimer, J., Tolias, A.S. & Bethge, M. A rotation-equivariant convolutional neural network model of primary visual cortex.
ICLR (2019).
Blessing, C.*, Walker, E.Y.*, Quinn, K.R., Cotton, R.J., Ma, W.J., Tolias, A.S., Nienborg, H. & Sinz, F.H. Neural Likelihood.
Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (2019).
Cadena, S.A., Denfield, G.H., Walker, E.Y., Gatys, L.A., Tolias, A.S., Bethge, M. & Ecker, A. Deep convolutional models improve predictions of macaque V1 responses to natural images.
PLoS Computational Biology (2019).
Ecker, A.S., Sinz, F.H., Froudarakis, E., Fahey, P.G., Cadena, S.A., Walker, E.Y., Cobos, E., Reimer, J., Tolias, A.S. & Bethge, M. A rotation-equivariant convolutional neural network.
arXiv (2018).
Yatsenko, D., Walker, E.Y. & Tolias, A.S. DataJoint: A Simpler Relational Data Model.
arXiv. (2018).
Sinz, F.H., Ecker, A.S., Fahey, P.G., Walker, E.Y., Cobos, E., Froudarakis, E., Yatsenko, D., Pitkow, X., Reimer, J. & Tolias, A.S. Stimulus domain transfer in recurrent models for large scale cortical population prediction on video.
NeurIPS (2018).
Jiang, X., Shen, S., Sinz, F.H., Reimer, J., Cadwell, C.R., Berens, P., Ecker, A.S., Patel S., Denfield, G.H., Froudarakis, E., Li, S., Walker, E.Y. & Tolias, A.S. Response to Comment on “Principles of connectivity among morphologically defined cell types in adult neocortex.”
Science (2016).
Gurler, D., Doyle, N., Walker E.Y., Magnotti J. & Beauchamp, M. A link between individual differences in multisensory speech perception and eye movements.
Attention Perception and Psychophysics (2015).
Walker, E.Y. & Barbour, D.L. Designing in vivo concentration gradients with discrete controlled release: a computational model.
Journal of Neural Engineering (2010).